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Lost in the World

I've never really fitted well into the "tony this is who WE want you to be box"- the world.

I prefer the "tony egerton this is who YOU are box"- God

Truefully its not a box, more of a frame. Boxs contain or constrain.

A Frame shows of the content or certain aspects, guides it, gives it room to move, adapt, express and see whats around. It allows for interaction.

This wonderful woman is certainly out of the box.

The worlds box (often subtly disguised) is pushed on us every day through media, people, friends, family, history, the place we live. We are constantly told what is the normal, common sense, excepted, expected and political correct way to live, some of which is really, really good, some not so much, and some simply bad.

I want to encourage you to be the best YOU, That includes being open to advice, being challenged to change, and also challenging others. Love life, others and God enormously and know you are loved immensely in return.

Don't get lost in the world. Many people live out life with great intentions, finding out who they are, their likes/dislikes, things they want to do, dream jobs, and then they easily get lost in the world. It/people dictate, govern, manipulate, even bully them into what's expected, excepted & normal. Before they know it they are squashed down into a world shaped box, trapped and waiting until retirement so they can find themselves again, and start to do what they really want to.

I encourage you to live in "retirement" now. Find out how much God loves you, love him back, let him show you who you are and live from that.

You may actually end up doing similar or even the same things, but you will see it, live it, do it from a totally different perspective of freedom. You will be open to new things as you and he govern your world.

So don't wait to retire from what's expected of you, retire from it now, it's so much more fun.

This is something I've done and am doing, accomplished and still learning.

Will I and you make mistakes? sure, but if thats what we focus on thats what we will expect and we will miss out on things. A friend of mine, Linda Mckay said " What if our "what if's" are positive". I love that. When we look at something new lets think wow thats amazing, I think i'll like that its going to be great, this will happen and that will happen. Rather than thats good BUT this will happen and that will happen, so maybe I won't do it.

This is not to say switch of your intelligence go on a ship that has no life boat, when the one next to it does. Just simply don't let the fear of sinking sink you.

Cheers until next time



All photographs/text displayed on this site were taken/written and are owned by Anthony Egerton unless otherwise noted and cannot be copied or used for any purpose without permission. All copyrights reserved, Thank you.
© Copyright Tony (Anthony) Egerton
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