Anthony Egerton
The Way I See Him
Hi. My name is Anthony and I live in Cornwall, UK. I am married with 2 kids and 2 cats.
I love Photography/image making. I also love God, my family, friends, life, coffee, cake, cats, nature etc...
I wanted to develop a place to express my self and was going to have separate blogs for life/interests and photography, BUT I can't separate them, I am the total sum of all these things. Therefor one site with different areas where visitors can choose what to look at and what not to.
I love just wandering and wondering with or without my camera, with or without an agenda. Sometimes I go out just to take photos of anything, in any conditions, not always to get the best photos but to look, see, capture moments, things, memories. Other times I walk around mulling over this great life with God.
I don't know how often I will post, I may be out enjoying wandering and wondering too much.
I hope my site inspires you, comforts and occasionally makes you think. If you like or dislike, agree or disagree with things, thats ok, I and you are always growing, learning, experiencing new things.
Thank you
Photo by Jo Egerton